Unlock the Power of Microsoft Graph API: Get More Than 10 Subfolders with Expand ChildFolders
Image by Pari - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Microsoft Graph API: Get More Than 10 Subfolders with Expand ChildFolders

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Are you tired of hitting the 10-subfolder limit with the Microsoft Graph API? Do you need to access more than 10 subfolders in a single API call? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to use the `expand` parameter with `childFolders` to retrieve more than 10 subfolders in a single API call.

Why Do I Need More Than 10 Subfolders?

Imagine you’re building a file management system that integrates with OneDrive or SharePoint. You need to retrieve a list of subfolders in a specific folder, but the default limit is 10. What if you have 20, 50, or even 100 subfolders? You can’t make multiple API calls, as it would be inefficient and slow. That’s where the `expand` parameter comes in.

Understanding the Expand Parameter

The `expand` parameter is a powerful feature in Microsoft Graph API that allows you to retrieve additional data related to the requested resource. In our case, we want to retrieve more than 10 subfolders, so we’ll use `expand` to include the `childFolders` collection.

Preparing Your API Call

Before we dive into the code, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • A Microsoft Azure AD account with the necessary permissions (e.g., Files.Read.All)
  • A registered Azure AD application with the Microsoft Graph API permission
  • A valid access token obtained through the Azure AD authentication flow

Once you have the access token, you can use it to make API calls to the Microsoft Graph API.

The API Call: Retrieving More Than 10 Subfolders

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/{folder-id}/children?$expand=childFolders
    Authorization: Bearer {access-token}

In the above API call, replace `{folder-id}` with the ID of the folder from which you want to retrieve subfolders. The `$expand=childFolders` parameter tells the Microsoft Graph API to include the `childFolders` collection in the response.

What to Expect in the Response

The response will contain a JSON object with the requested folder’s metadata and an array of subfolders. The `childFolders` collection will contain the first 100 subfolders (yes, you read that right – 100!). Here’s an example response:

  "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('me')/drive/items('1234567890abcdef')/children",
  "value": [
      "id": "0123456789abcdef",
      "name": "Subfolder 1",
      "folder": {
        "childCount": 5
      "id": "0123456789abcdef",
      "name": "Subfolder 2",
      "folder": {
        "childCount": 3
      "id": "0123456789abcdef",
      "name": "Subfolder 100",
      "folder": {
        "childCount": 2

As you can see, the response contains the folder metadata and an array of 100 subfolders. You can then iterate through the `value` array to access each subfolder’s metadata.

Pagination: Retrieving More Than 100 Subfolders

What if you have more than 100 subfolders? Don’t worry, Microsoft Graph API has got you covered! You can use pagination to retrieve additional subfolders.

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/{folder-id}/children?$expand=childFolders&$top=100&$skip=100
    Authorization: Bearer {access-token}

In the above API call, we’re using the `$top=100` parameter to retrieve the next 100 subfolders, and the `$skip=100` parameter to skip the first 100 subfolders. You can adjust these parameters to paginate through the subfolders.

Pagination Example

Let’s say you have 200 subfolders in a folder. You can use the following API calls to retrieve all subfolders:

API Call Subfolders Retrieved
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/{folder-id}/children?$expand=childFolders&$top=100 1-100
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/{folder-id}/children?$expand=childFolders&$top=100&$skip=100 101-200

By using pagination, you can retrieve all subfolders in a folder, regardless of the number.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to use the `expand` parameter with `childFolders` to retrieve more than 10 subfolders in a single API call. We’ve also covered pagination to retrieve additional subfolders. By following these instructions, you can build more efficient and scalable file management systems that integrate with OneDrive or SharePoint.

Remember to always check the Microsoft Graph API documentation for the latest information on API calls, parameters, and response formats. Happy coding!


Q: What is the maximum number of subfolders I can retrieve in a single API call?

A: The maximum number of subfolders you can retrieve in a single API call is 100. However, you can use pagination to retrieve additional subfolders.

Q: Can I use the `expand` parameter with other Microsoft Graph API resources?

A: Yes, the `expand` parameter can be used with other Microsoft Graph API resources, such as retrieving additional properties for users, groups, or mailboxes. Check the Microsoft Graph API documentation for more information.

Q: How do I handle errors and exceptions when making API calls to the Microsoft Graph API?

A: You should always handle errors and exceptions when making API calls to the Microsoft Graph API. Check the API documentation for error codes and messages, and implement try-catch blocks in your code to handle errors gracefully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unravel the mysteries of Microsoft Graph API and get more than 10 subfolders using expand childFolders!

Can I retrieve more than 10 subfolders using the Microsoft Graph API and the expand childFolders option?

Yes, you can! By default, the Microsoft Graph API returns only 10 subfolders when using the expand childFolders option. However, you can override this limit by using the `$top` parameter and specifying the number of subfolders you want to retrieve. For example: `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/items/{item-id}?expand=children(select=id,name,folder,webUrl),childFolders($top=50)`. This will retrieve up to 50 subfolders.

How can I retrieve all subfolders recursively using the Microsoft Graph API?

To retrieve all subfolders recursively, you’ll need to use a recursive function or loop that calls the Microsoft Graph API for each subfolder. You can use the `childFolders` property to get the subfolders of a folder, and then recursively call the API for each subfolder until there are no more subfolders. This can be done using a programming language like C#, Python, or JavaScript.

Is there a limit to the number of subfolders I can retrieve using the Microsoft Graph API?

Yes, there is a limit! The Microsoft Graph API has a maximum limit of 1000 items per page when using the `$top` parameter. If you need to retrieve more than 1000 subfolders, you’ll need to use pagination and retrieve the subfolders in batches. You can use the `@odata.nextLink` property to get the next page of results.

Can I use the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve subfolders of a shared folder?

Yes, you can! To retrieve subfolders of a shared folder, you’ll need to use the `shares` endpoint and specify the shared folder ID. For example: `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/shares/{shared-folder-id}/driveItem/children`. This will retrieve the subfolders of the shared folder.

Do I need special permissions to retrieve subfolders using the Microsoft Graph API?

Yes, you may need special permissions! To retrieve subfolders using the Microsoft Graph API, you’ll need the necessary permissions to access the folder and its contents. This may include permissions like `Files.Read` or `Files.Read.All`, depending on the specific use case. Make sure to check the Microsoft Graph API documentation for the required permissions.

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